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Making It Public for New Jersey Artists 2025
Category: Open Calls
Deadline: 02/27/2025
Website: https://forecastpublicart.submittable.com/submit/309711/making-it-public-for-new-jersey-artists-2025
The New Jersey State Council on the Arts is pleased to invite artists in New Jersey to participate in ‘Making It Public’, a free 5-week virtual training series designed for artists interested in exploring and expanding their public art making practice. The State Arts Council urges artists in New Jersey to utilize this free training opportunity.
This workshop series, comprised of five 90-minute virtual workshop sessions, covers practical and tactical subject matters for artists at all stages of their careers. Session panelists include local and national public artists. ‘Making It Public’ is facilitated by Forecast Public Art Consultant Candida Gonzalez on the Zoom platform. An additional pre-recorded video session will be emailed prior to each meeting. If you require accessibility services, please contact Lindsay Dandeo, State Arts Council Access Coordinator: lindsay.dandeo@sos.nj.gov| 609-984-7020 (NJ Relay 711). The deadline to request accessibility services is February 27, 2025. Any questions about the workshop, please contact Jen Krava: jenk@forecastpublicart.org
Workshop Registration Deadline
February 27 @ 5pm ET
March 12 (6-7:30pm ET) Welcome and Introduction
March 19 (6-7:30pm ET) Community Engagement
March 26 (6-7:30pm ET) New Jersey Public Arts Inclusion Program
April 2 (6-7:30pm ET) Managing Your Projects
April 9 (6-7:30pm ET) Conclusion
Did you join us last year? Join us again! What's different:
We will have one guest speaker each for weeks 2, 3, and 4. New guests will join us and will provide more time for group discussion. Week 3 will be focused on New Jersey’s Public Arts Inclusion program.
Contact: Jen Krava
Email: jenk@forecastpublicart.org